uniting like-minded churches and ministries, across denominational lines, who share the vision of impacting the culture with biblical truth.
The Association of Churches and Ministries equip churches, pastors, ministries, and ministry leaders to be Ambassadors for the truth in a world that either hates the truth or denies it exists. We are building a community of churches and ministries who refuse to hide their faith in Jesus because of the incitement of fear or discrimination driven by today's cancel culture.
Dear Pastor,
The entreaty of James, "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds..." is not exactly the encouragement we are always eager to hear. But if the last few years have taught us anything, it is that the church is in a time of testing as we seek to live and share the gospel in an increasingly hostile culture. But this has also been a time of growth for those churches proclaiming the truth of God's word, which offers hope and stability in this tumultuous world. We must choose to encourage one another by standing together. We must decide: will we yield to the threats of the world or yield to the commands of Jesus Christ?
Family Research Council is answering the call for us to stand firm - united collectively - by forming the Association of Churches and Ministries (ACM) for those who have counted the cost and choose to stand on God's word. This community stands arm-in-arm, refusing to hide our faith in Jesus from the incitement of fear or discrimination driven by today's cancel culture. One thing I can promise: we will always choose to stand for the truth of God's word here in our nation's capital, no matter the cost. If this represents a relationship you and your church or ministry would like to be a part of, we welcome you to join us.
In 2020, our ministry for Watchmen Pastors went through a transformation as the world shifted to online and digital events. The response we received from you was overwhelming! What we were once able to offer to only a few hundred pastors and leaders, we can now provide to thousands. This Association of Churches and Ministries is the next step, providing pastors, churches, and other ministries access to all the tools and projects we are continuing to develop to best equip Christian ministries.
We invite you to join us in two ways: (1) your church or ministry joining the ACM community and (2) inviting other churches, pastors, and ministries to do the same. The benefits of this partnership are designed to serve you by helping you be more effective in leading the ministry God has entrusted to you.
We are repeatedly asked to share the names of churches that hold the same biblical worldview as Family Research Council. We would love to be able to include your church in the ACM network. As a part of this new Association of Churches and Ministries, you will be supported, encouraged, and blessed. The annual membership cost to be a part of this network is intentionally minimal to allow every church - large and small - to join this collective. You can join us today at acm.frc.org.
We are here to serve you, encourage you, and equip you in our shared mission to advance the kingdom of God. We pray and trust the Lord will significantly expand your influence and impact and bless your walk and ministry.

Benefits We Provide
Joining the Association of Churches & Ministries is simple. Sign up using our online form and we will provide you with all of these resources and benefits:
As the ACM network expands, we will continue to add additional resources along with a member-only site with quick and easy access to FRC and ministry resources.